
Why Do All My Contracts Need to Be in Writing?


When it comes to making contracts for your business, you’ll want to rely on more than just an old-fashioned handshake to seal the terms of your agreement. This is especially true if you are purchasing or selling real estate. If you are a business owner, you should take the time to consult with an experienced lawyer to get help drafting the contacts you need to protect your interests.

Oral Contracts vs Written Contracts

If you end up having a dispute with a vendor or business partner and you have to file a claim to enforce the agreement, it will be difficult to prove your case because you will be forced to rely on testimony from people who agreed to the oral contract. With a written contract, you won’t have to rely on witness testimony to prove your case.

Another issue with oral contracts and witness testimony is that they both can be inconsistent. This means a judge or jury will have to decide which party has a better memory. If the court doesn’t rule in your favor and decides your version events likely didn’t occur, your business can be put at risk. If your business agreement is in writing, the legal dispute will revolve around how the words should be interpreted. This is less risky both financially and legally.

Speak to a Business Contract Lawyer Today

At Purdy & Bailey, LLP, our dedicated team of attorneys is here to help you draft precise and accurate contracts for your business. Whether you need assistance drafting, reviewing, or enforcing business contracts, we have the skills and resources you need to secure a fair result. Let our legal team get to work for you.

Call us today at (858) 360-7080 to request a courtesy evaluation with one of our lawyers.